Tuesday 16 February 2021

DP Weight Loss Success Story from 145.7Kg to 102Kg

Real Weight Loss Story & How I did It?

Hi Everyone

I am Durga Prasad also called as DP. Let me share my real-time weight loss success story with all my readers.

My Real-Time Weight Loss Success Story

Since childhood, I was obese and that made me a lazy kid where I would not participate in sports, dance, and many extra extracurricular activities. My favorite sport has always been cricket but due to my physique, I was not able to play at all.

Wherever I go I was body-shamed easily from children to elders, I was the easy target for jokes, which restricted me from going out. I never click pics of mine due to my excess fat look. I used to not attend parties, functions, and marriages at all. whenever I go to purchase new clothes it was difficult to find because of my size, I would get the normal one where it would be all the simple dresses, even the people at cloth store would make fun of it.

Giving up on my Weight Loss Dream

To lose weight I tried many things swimming, running, jogging, and many more where I did not lose weight but I again lost my hope. I have tried all the gyms in my town. I used to go to the gym just do cardio and return. This made me lose just 5-10 kilos and that's all and my weight gets stuck. So I stopped worrying and said goodbye to my weight loss journey.

After years I checked my weight and it was "145.7" kilos, that gave me a shock and my age at that point was just 22 years. I started worrying again and gave a final taught to join a gym again.

Beginning of my Weight Loss Transformation Story

It was July 23rd, 2018 I joined a gym and started working out, I used to do cardio and weight lifting and this made me lose 5-10 kilos, and then my weight got stuck. Again I started losing hope. One fine day i met a friend in a gym, his name is Shubham Audichya he is brother friend. He is the one who took me to next level. He taught me about importance of diet, calorie deficit, proper workout, and quantified nutrition. He gave me diet plans and exercises and was full supportive to me. 

Till now I have lost "40" kilos and my present weight is 105.6 kilo. From 48 inches pants to 38 inches and from 5-6 xl shirts to 2xl. I know my journey is incomplete but I have gained the confidence that sure I will reach my goal one day.

Weight Loss Message

To achieve anything dedication and guidance are important. The main thing I have learned is "CONSISTENCY" and "PATIENCE " are required to get to your goal.

Thanks to my Family and Shubham Audichya for helping me to find a better version of myself.
DP Weight Loss Success Story from Balari

Real Time Weight Loss Success Story